Nero Bride possesses a great NP gain baseline thanks to her solid Arts cards and Stars for the Sky. Not all buffs are brought via Rank Ups or Interludes! Nero Bride’s updated animations included a boost to her Extra hit count, thus improving her overall performance indirectly. Even so, the flexibility brought along by Nero’s kit still allows her to fill the support role convincingly when needed, and she particularly excels in Arts teams in which both her roles can be used to great effect. On the whole, Nero Claudius (Bride) generally leans even more to the offensive side after her NP upgrade and is a powerful Arts Servant in her own right. Nero Bride’s final drawback is that each of her skills only affect a single target, often making her less powerful as a support for difficult quests compared to Servants with teamwide support skills and better cooldowns. Additionally, while Nero’s third skill provides some semblance of staying power, she lacks a hard defensive tool, creating a dependency on other defensive supports. Having such a flexible kit also comes with a cost, however, as both Flowers for the Earth and Stars for the Sky come with steep base cooldowns, which results in a longer offensive downtime.

Love for the People rounds off her kit by providing a targetable heal as well as a defense buff, offering some amount of survivability to the team. Her NP’s defense debuff, Flowers for the Earth’s attack buff, and Stars for the Sky’s NP gain buff all allow Nero to serve as an effective damage dealer through her NP spam potential. Offensively, Nero’s martial side is built on her solid base stats and balanced card deck, as well as her single-target Arts NP, the damage of which competes well against other similar NPs after its upgrade. All of these skills also have standard, easy-to-use effects and generous modifiers, which are worthwhile for any kind of team. The defining aspect of Nero Bride’s kit is that all three of her skills are targetable, letting her either assist allies or boost her own performance as needed. The lively emperor of roses also comes in a bridal package, complete with a pure white outfit, a matching sword, and even a unique Bride alignment! Nero Claudius (Bride) - or Nero Bride, as she prefers to be called - is one of the best examples of a hybrid damage dealer, one able to support her allies in various ways while still maintaining a considerable offensive presence as an ST Arts Saber. Do you really have to ask? You know me! I did it because I wanted to!”

“You want to know why I changed into a wedding dress? Fufufu.