Memnon is bearded, and has his mouth open, as if shouting: he rushes forward, covered with his shield foreshortened (device, a bull's head, half seen), with a sword drawn back in his right hand his armour is the same as that of Hector beside him, his name, MEMNON (retr.), Μεμνων. Achilles is as in (a), except that his helmet has cheek-pieces lowered and a nasal inscription as before. (b) Combat of Achilles and Memnon in the presence of Thetis and Eos. On the right Apollo, youthful, with a mass of long brown hair, fillet, and mantle, moves away to right, looking back and holding out in right an arrow pointed towards Hector, as if he were about to hurl it in his right he holds a long bow, with a raised piece on the inner curve at the handle, and quiver at back before him, his name, ΑΠΟΛΛΟΝ (retr.), Άττόλλων. On the left, Athene, with long chiton decorated with crosses and a border at the knees, a mantle fastened on the right shoulder falling in pteryges, aegis dotted and edged with snakes, helmet, and spear on right arm, rushes forward with left arm outstretched, as if to encourage Achilles: beside her, her name, ΑΘΕΝΑΙΑ, Αθηναία. Beside each is inscribed his name, AXIΛΛEYΣ, Άχιλλενς, HEKTOP (retr.), Έκτωρ. On the left, Achilles (youthful) presses forward with shield advanced and spear shortened to deal a finishing stroke to Hector (bearded), who, bleeding from wounds in the chest and left thigh, sinks helplessly backwards, with shield extended to right and point of spear dropped each has a helmet with raised cheek-pieces, and a sword at side attached to his cross-belt. (a) Combat of Achilles and Hector in the presence of Athena and Apollo. Pottery: red-figured volute-krater (bowl for mixing wine and water) with figure scenes on confined to a narrow, frieze-like band that encircles the lower element of the neck.