You can also add 3D animations such flying text, snow and many other things to your videos to make them looks nice and beautiful. Unlimited layers allowed the users to add watermark, sound track and more. There are lots of builtin background videos in OpenShot which makes it very easy to add titles and rearrange it according to the need. I can easily drag and drop the videos, audios and images from file manager into OpenShot for editing. With the help of this software i can add desired sounds to any of video and also trim the videos to find perfects moments. I am using OpenShot for last 2 years in editing videos and found it very simple and easy to understand. OpenShot can read and wirte most image and videos formats and with the advanced tabs users can use any FFmpeg format. We can save a video in any of above mentioned OS and can be open it on another. OpenShot supports multiple operating systems like Mac, Linux & Windows and it is absolutely free of cost and can be downloaded easily from its website. Opmerkingen: OpenShot video editor is incredibly easy to use and poweful video editing software which are helping professionals all over the world with its excellent features.